"At 62, I'm just getting started!"


Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Carrie, I’m 62 years old and while most of my friends and other people my age are preparing for retirement, I did the unthinkable. This past summer, and yes, in the middle of a pandemic, I sold most of my belongings, left family, kids, and precious grandkids to move across America to a city in the middle of New England: New Bedford, Massachusetts. Why? Because I am not my own.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you , whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So Glorify God in your body.”( II Corinthians 6:19-20)

I have been inspired by people whose stories are written in the Bible. I wonder what’s your first thought when you think about Abraham, Moses or even Joshua?  What about Sarah (Isaac’s mother) or about Elizabeth (John the Baptist’s mother)? I guess you could say that they all had a great calling from the Lord. They were asked to do mighty things that moved the gospel forward in the world in which they lived. Whether it was a calling to become the father of a great nation, parting the sea for that great nation, or fighting a battle for that great nation, (a battle that God promised had already been won) or by birthing a baby much, much later than most women have babies, it was all to the glory of the Lord.  These people were living at different times yet they all had one thing in common - God called them to do these mighty things later in life, well after what we would call “their prime”. Abraham and Joshua were around 70 when God called them and Moses himself was around 80. Even the women having children so late in life were used for God’s purposes. Scripture tells us that their sons grew to become men used mightily by the Lord during their own lifetimes. These are just a few examples of the people that God calls and as far as I know age had nothing to do with their effectiveness. God called them each to a task.

“He equips you with everything good that you may do His will.Hebrews 13:21

Life isn’t just about serving ourselves, it’s about serving others. Even once we are retired or become self employed, we should not stop serving others. As I look at friends’ postings on Facebook and Twitter, I’ve had a shocking realization that retirement for some of us is on the horizon. We’ve all put in our many years of work and now we are ready to sit back, take it easy and enjoy the benefits of that previous labor. So what now? Sell the house and move to a cabin on the lake? Fishing? Hunting? Watching the sunrise? Watching the sunset? Sit in your rocking chairs and watch the grass grow? Spending more time with the kids, the grandkids? Just how much golf, fishing, or hunting can you do? How many beaches or lakefronts can you lie on? Or, does just taking it easy and chillin’ out sound like that’s the way to live? Is that your plan? Or do you even have one? Have you given much thought to those days? 

Beware, for they are coming soon.

I first felt the call of the mission field almost 10 years ago. But God had a lot of work to do within my heart.  I was still a work in progress. Thing is, I’m still a work in progress, but, as it states in Ephesians 3:20 “God is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power within us. I have no degree in Theology, the Bible, or even Biblical studies. I have taken a few courses in OT, NT and Systematic Theology but that was a lay person class, at my church, and I received no credit for it. It was mostly just to help me understand more about the Bible but that’s about it. I believed that God would be true to his promises and that He does equip those He calls. I knew that I wasn’t going to be any type of minister, definitely not a pastor’s wife, or even top staff person, so I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do but if I can trust God for my eternal life why couldn’t I trust Him with the direction of my earthly life?

In John Piper’s book “Don’t Waste Your Life”, I read a story once about a couple who took early retirement while they were in their 50’s. That’s a nice age to retire, old enough to have some good wisdom about life, yet young enough to still have a fruitful and eventful life. They moved to Florida where they cruised around on their 30 foot boat, played softball and collected seashells. Some of you might know this story but this is where it gets a little sad. We all have heard of the American dream and many of us would love to live that kind of dream. But in reality, that dream is more of a tragedy than a wonderful statement about someone’s life, especially the Christian life. Can you picture them standing before God, the Creator of all the heavens and the universe, and give Him an account of their lives? 

“Look Lord,” they say, “See my shells?” Somehow I don’t think that’s going to go over very well with God.

In hearing that story I think it’s pretty close to the same type of stories I had read about real life people and friends. And my response in reading these types of stories is that it’s such a waste of a life. As far I can tell, there is no retirement talked about in the Bible. If 50 is the new 40, and 60 is the new 50, then I’d say life is still going strong.  And as Christians, the Lord wants our lives to be in service to His will, not our own. I believe that older adults are a much needed resource. We have hard earned wisdom that no school can teach. Wisdom that we need to share with others, not just to take it to the grave! Should we sacrifice our kids, grandkids, our friends and even our life? Don’t we deserve to finally “get the easy life?” Let’s face it we’ve paid our dues for 20, 30 and even 40+ years in the work force. Doesn’t that count for anything? Well it certainly does. It counts because it means that God has graciously given you and me all these extra years to mature, to develop wisdom and discernment. He gave these gifts to us so we could give back to others. 

So, I’m here to ask each and every one of you to think and consider: now that you are retired, or maybe in a better position to quit your job, or if you’re getting close and wondering what’s next, why not go full time for God? There is a huge opportunity in the states, and just about any country in the world and any ministry could definitely use you. When I first felt that call to the mission field myself I had no idea where that would be or where in the world I would go. Like I mentioned before I have no real skills, and, on top of all that, I’m a twice divorced now single, older woman (who would want me in their ministry?).  But, God gave me an understanding (acknowledgement) of what I can do. You see, I can walk alongside someone and be a friend. I can speak the hope of the gospel to someone that has no hope. I can listen when they want to talk.  I can validate that they are known and loved by God. It’s pretty simple actually. God has equipped me even in the most simple of ways. So, when I was first approached to think about coming to New Bedford I knew that the need was great as they were specifically looking for mature women. I had previously worked in an area that had that same need because, let’s face it, that need is global. When I first began my search to see what God might be calling me to I had looked at many ministries and never saw any of them specifically looking for an older woman, someone like me. But, now I know there is a huge need for older men and women to minister to those older folks that don’t know Jesus.

I will admit I was a little scared to step into the unknown, a new ministry, a new part of the country and not know much about it and not really knowing anyone either. How could I just walk away and leave my home, my family, my precious grandchildren? They’re so young that maybe they won’t know me anymore? What about all my stuff, my furniture, my memories of the last 40 years? Let me say that all those treasures you’ve stored up over the years, loving them and wanting your children to love them also, chances are good that they won’t. What we value in life doesn’t mean that anyone else will. So, don’t bother giving them to the family because they probably don’t want it either. If it’s your desire to hang on to treasures, why not put your treasure in Heaven?

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” –Matt 6:19  

Also, in looking further into New Bedford, I discovered it is less than 2% Evangelical Christian and by that definition it is an unreached people group. Currently New Bedford has some of the highest crime rates, most underprivileged schools, and largest opiate problems in New England. Even though this city is targeted, in the next 5 to 7 years to become a bedroom community to Boston, many residents here are pervasively homeless, with little to no access to hear about the life changing power of the gospel in their own community. The majority of people who are interested in joining church planting efforts are in the 20 to 30 year old age group. I am the oldest worker here and from a southern state so what does that say? Who will reach the older generation of New Bedford, people who are desperately in need of hearing the gospel before it’s too late?  So much focus is put into youth work, and for good reason, however, we cannot ignore, dismiss or disregard the older New Englanders. Who’s ministering to them? Since arriving here I have found an amazing group of women that I am so proud to call my friends. They are strong, hardy and fierce. And yet, they are loving, caring and in great need of knowing Jesus. Who else will reach these women if I don’t? Most pastors that come are young with young families, however, these women need other like-minded women that have shared experiences in life. Some of the activities that I hope to start might be a walking group, craft group, a cooking class, and weekend activities that I can transport women to that might have no other way of getting around. I meet up with some of the women and just go on day trips to visit sights around our area. I just give them time and we talk. It’s not hard to do that but it might be more difficult for a younger person to truly understand how a 50-60-70yr old feels. God uses our age group to reach others in that same group.  So, maybe God has someone like you in mind, just like me, someone that has a heart for people to hear the good news.

Now, granted, some people aren’t called away from their homes and families because, let’s face it there’s a huge mission field in their own backyards. You certainly don’t have to go far from home to find one. But, for those that do feel the call to domestic/overseas missions I want to address some of the questions that I had to process myself. I remember very distinctly telling God that if He wanted me to go, I would, but He would have to help me because I certainly didn’t know what to do or how to do it.

 First, I knew that my mom would not be able to take care of herself, so in speaking to my brother, we decided that she would go and live with them. I know that some people don’t have that option but I believe, there again, if God has called you he knows your circumstances and will make a way for you. But, please hear me when I say it probably won’t be easy. My mother is in the middle stages of dementia. She knows who most of us are but doesn’t recognize time or distance so leaving her was bittersweet. Bitter, because I don’t know how much time she has left, but sweet because she doesn’t really know how long I’ve been gone or where I am so I know she doesn’t worry for me. Leaving my kids and grandkids was not easy, I cried for months every time I thought about it. But, God was working in this situation also because people would come up to me and tell me how they still kept in touch with their grandkids that lived in other states or even countries. I knew then, that many people face this dilemma every day and have for years since our world is so mobile with jobs taking families away from hometowns.  How thankful and grateful I am for Skype, messenger, Facebook and other social media. It makes the distance not quite so far and I can still see my family and talk to them face to face. 

I’ve also heard the argument of how can you leave? But my answer is how can I not?

Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” Strong words, but the most comforting is the last sentence “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matt. 10.37-39

Is Jesus worth losing your life in order to find it?

For the first time I can truly say that I feel fulfilled in my own life. I get the fantastic opportunity to not only live in another part of the country but I get to experience a life I never thought possible. Most companies wouldn’t have given me any type of job, due to my age, but God has given me new life and new direction. He has equipped me to do the job He has set before me. I am so eternally grateful that He has given this opportunity to work on His behalf, to give me a love for people, a love for New England and has put a new song in my heart. 

So, age really is a just a number.   Do you love people enough to be concerned for their eternal state? Can you see the bigger picture of a world lost to sin and hell? There is such a need for people like you that love the Lord and want to be obedient.  Come and see what God is doing here in New Bedford.  Come be part of that bigger picture. You have skills and abilities that you’ve never thought of and they are so needed here. 

Carrie Selby